Sunday, December 14, 2008

$341,250.00 a year

Care to guess which bureaucrat makes $341,250 a year? The vice-president of the United States? Well, no. He is paid $212,100 a year. What about the head of the Department of Homeland Security? Nope, the person who occupies this useless position makes $183,500 a year, as do all cabinet department heads. Who makes $341,250 a year? Mississippi's Commissioner of Higher Education, Dr. Tom Meredith (that's Doctor, as in Doctor of Philosophy). What does this guy do to deserve $341,250 a year? Well, he presides over a monthly college board meeting! Stressful, huh?
Oh, I forgot to mention he also receives a $25,000 a year HOUSING ALLOWANCE. While we taxpayers are getting the shaft, why don't we throw in a $10,000 a year CLOTHING ALLOWANCE! This poor, impoverished Dr. Meredith surely could use a new $833 tailored suit to wear to his board meetings once a month, now couldn't he!
And you thought the federal government had a monopoly on wasting tax dollars!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Bailing Out The Big Three

The last couple of weeks has been trying for the U.S. automakers known as 'The Big Three.' Maybe they should be renamed The Big Three Stooges. GM, Chrysler, and Ford all have their hands out to the American taxpayers as if they were panhandlers at a busy intersection.
Congress should tell the Big Three "No way!" File for bankruptcy, hold gigantic, simultaneous bake sales, or whatever you need to do to stay in business, but you are NOT getting one thin dime from the taxpayer. If you can't stay in business on your own, ADIOS! We can still buy a Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Subaru, or Mitsubishi.
Learn to MANAGE your business or GET OUT OF BUSINESS! End of discussion.